Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Learning German and Getting Ready for our Driving Exam

As we drive around in our rental car I have the driver's test study book on my lap. As Bob says they do love their signage here!!! We need a camera to post a picture of our newest favorite, but that will come soon. I can't spoil it by telling about it. A picture is worth a thousand words.

We have about 400 different signs to learn for the driving test (written exam). So as we drive I am flipping through the pictures trying to find the meaning of all the signs. Not an easy task. At some intersections we have seen as many as 8 different signs! Wish us luck. We have six months from the day we arrive to get the written and behind the wheel test done. If not we can't drive. Since we bought a car this week and take delivery next week it has become the new priority in our house.

In conjunction with this I am trying hard to learn some German. It is not easy that is for sure, but I keep trying. Today I saw my favorite word of the day - Krankenwagon!!! It was on an ambulance that drove by us. There is also a Krankenhaus and Corey is a Krankenschwester! You are a bit cranky when you are sick so I love these words. Easy to remember and actually fun to say.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Carly is teaching me to blog,may take a while! Hope all is well with you and Bob. Maddie and I have been playing phontag. The pictures are great! Thank you for letting me follow you.
    Love Edwina
